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Listening to the Mood of Stakeholders

Align your business and media strategy to the prevailing sentiment within your business ecosystem. A media plan that does not consider the voices of current and potential stakeholders — investors, government, consumers, industry observers, and the general public - is incomplete. We offer media analytics services that provide you with detailed reports of the conversations taking place within your business ecosystem. You can track prevailing opinions and views by listening to various stakeholder audiences. We tune in to editorial news & views and social media conversations through our media tracking and analytics services to understand stakeholders' aspirations, concerns, apprehensions and expectations. Our experts track and analyse editorial articles in applicable newspapers, magazines, online news and conversation threads to narrow down on the prevailing stakeholder sentiment. Our social media listening activities cover conversations ranging across politics, socio-economics, finance, human resource, government and policy regulations, societal concerns, etc.

Benchmarking and Target Setting

Sharpen your planning process by setting quantitative and qualitative milestones in your communication plans after understanding your competition's thought process. While planning a targeted media campaign for a news announcement, corporate communication professionals often find themselves hamstrung by the lack of credible & historical reference data of similar communication exercises undertaken by their competitors earlier. Without accurate historical data, their media plans are often rendered deficient, leading to underwhelming results. Your communication plans become tighter when you factor in information available in the media universe about a targeted activity conducted by your competition or organizations in other industry verticalss. Our benchmarking exercises examine past media campaigns undertaken by other organizations to draw insights about competition milestones and strategies. Post the benchmarking exercise, our team narrows down on the ideal qualitative & quantitative targets desirable for a communication plan.

Insight/ Trend Reports

Gather valuable information, including different types of insights and trends, with our rich data-coding technique. Corporate communication and PR firm teams often strive to understand their competitor’s thought processes, a journalist’s reporting style, use of editorial formats, trends to leverage spokespersons for thought leadership, etc. Our data analytics techniques offer last-mile insights to corporate communication and PR firm teams. Trend reports are curated based on customised communication requirements for both pre & post-communication phases.

JournoLIST Relationship Management

Just as corporate entities manage customers through enterprise software, we provide you with a tool to manage your relationships with journalists. JournaLIST — our unique journalist relationship management (JRM) tool helps you manage your association with journalists (editors & reporters) across the industry for efficient media management. The JRM tool allows you to quickly scan through profiles of over 8,000 journalists across mainline and vernacular mediums around the country to identify the best ones to leverage for a particular campaign, exercise, event, etc. The SaaS-based connected interface is loaded with features to help you communicate more efficiently with journalists and optimise your message dissemination exercise. Scheduling or re-scheduling press release dissemination and monitoring its progress is key feature of this service. You can identify journalists individually or across groups to establish a positive communication chain. PR agencies with multiple clients and large corporate houses with various verticals can efficiently manage multiple streams of press releases. The tool provides high-end data security with an unlimited data archival facility.

Influencer Management

With brands increasingly leveraging influencers, selecting the right influencers becomes critical for popularising your brand's message. Our influencer management data streams add value to your influencer planning exercise by extracting data across two dimensions:

  1. The influencers associated with each brand
  2. Leading influencers across categories – sports, cinema, politics, authors, etc. Apart from providing data, we deliver intelligence on aspects such as:
    1. Talk points & sentiments invoked by each influencer
    2. Influencer mapping by brand reputation themes – Corporate, HR, CSR, products & services, etc.
    3. Mapping influencer by competition
    4. Social media platforms/blogs & forums leveraged by the influencers and their reach


Monthly PR Measurement Insights

Streamline your monthly PR Plans for better outcome with the help of Concept BIU’s monthly PR measurement reports.
For your monthly PR planning process, an evaluation of what transpired in the previous month will be essential, such as;

  • What was our Share of Voice?
  • What markets were we able to reach out to?
  • Did our spokespersons transmit appropriate messages to create the desired thought leadership?
  • How did the brand communication campaign progress?
  • Did it generate the right sentiment?
  • How did we address the brand reputation framework?
  • Which publications, journalists, influencers, etc., wrote or discussed about the brand and its campaign?
  • How did competition approach its communication strategy?

Concept BIU's simplistic yet detailed qualitative & quantitative PR/ Media measurement framework will provide you with

Social Media Analysis

Gauge the reach and exposure of your social media communication after its dissemination. We provide you with accurate, reliable information about your brand's media exposure in social media. Our unique social media monitoring tool enables communication professionals to monitor social media channels for mentions of their brand, competitors, products, and business-specific keywords. PR agencies can utilise the platform to track conversations on social media for their clients & their competition. The social listening tool also possesses capabilities to dissect interactions to help brands draw valuable insights. These insights can help strategize for various aspects, including:

  1. measuring relevant social media presence
  2. positioning of the brand
  3. tracing consumer perceptions
  4. gauging social media trends

Cross Media Analytics

Find answers to questions such as which message is doing well in which medium, why it is being picked up, by whom, etc. With growing audience fragmentation, monitoring, measurement & data analytics of mediums in silos may provide limited insights. Hence, integrated brand communication across print, television, online and social media is critical. To help you understand the interplay, our evolved and unified measurement approaches across different media platforms — TV, print, digital and social media – help corporates and PR agencies derive a holistic understanding of a brand’s communication matrix. Our cross-media analytics services provide the 'Big Picture' drawn from insights across various communication mediums.

Rapid News Monitoring

Fast & rolling real-time news updates help make course corrections in your communications plan. With our technological prowess in multimedia (print, television, websites, social media, blogs and consumer forums), you get fast and customised access to news. You can get news updates about your brand, competition and stakeholders on the go across multiple touchpoints, including email, SMS, WhatsApp, web portal and through the mobile app. The dashboard on the web portal and the app provides you access to your chosen alerts, data and insights. It is a convenient interface to monitor required data anytime. Periodic news flashes will update you on the latest happenings worldwide, particularly your industry domain, making media monitoring convenient.

Ad Monitoring

Our vast and highly efficient media tracking & monitoring infrastructure allows marketers to access advertising intelligence.

Our ad tracking service offers intelligence at two levels:

  1. Reconciliation of your brand’s advertising initiatives with publications
  2. Tracking competition’s advertising initiatives

The data intelligence is supported with reach numbers to evaluate the performance of ad campaigns.

Archival Services

Unearth past secrets to unravel the future. With more than 1 million news pieces in our database, we have a rich repository of media coverage. This treasured gold mine of news clips can offer insights into sectoral development, policy & perception changes over a period of time. You can access media information on any sector, brand, personality or industry vertical. The scientifically managed archive facilitates filtered searches for specific communication pieces and provides you with anecdotal information for analysis or reference. It is valuable for communications professionals today as they often face challenges due to lack of adequate research and reference material.


Strengthening Client-PR Firm Relationship

Fortify Client-PR Firms relationship by leveraging our data analytics services. For successful brand communication initiatives, a strong ,month on month Client- PR Firm working relationship is is paramount. This working relationship can be strengthened by deploying a rolling or month on month 'Target Vs Achieved' approach within the communication plans. Before finalising the monthly communication plan, the Client-PR Firm team states the desired communication targets across various data parameters. At the end of the month, our data analytics service mapsachieved numbers against each targeted data parameter to provide the Client-PR Firm team with an accurate picture of the communications plan's success. The practice of measuring achieved figures against desired targets yield constructive results and cements the Firm's bond with the client.

Media Dipstick

Obtain a neutral and holistic picture of how journalists perceive your brand. How an organization or brand is perceived across media houses and its journalists influences its media relations strategy. We offer neutral and holistic journalist perception surveys or media dipsticks for clients. The bedrock of this service is wide and deep respondent sampling across the country, neutrality and in-depth insights. The media dipsticks cover print (newspaper and magazines), TV news channels and online news across English and various vernacular languages. Our fool-proof methodology eliminates any chance of bias or human error creeping into the process. You can be sure that the results of the studies are genuine, factual and present a realistic picture.

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